
Sailing and motor-boat school – Boat rental

Acknowledged by Service Cantonal de la Navigation

Since 2001, our school succesfully prepares dozens of candidates to boating licenses. Our exam success rate is excellent (100% for sailing and over 90% for powerboating in the last three seasons).

Our boat rental and sharing system allows non-owners to take advantage of our beautiful lake

Sailing lessons in small groups: an efficient, money-saving solution !

gb WayPoint nautical school offers a low-cost, sailing training program throughout spring, summer and autumn. Program is suitable for beginners and intermediate learners, to discover or improve sailing techniques, or in view to obtain cat. D sailing license.

Private lessons may be added, as a complement or subsequently, if intensive training is desired.

Small group (2 or 3 participants) sailing lessons are available on following Thursdays, from 18:00 to 20:00:

May 1, 8, 15, 22 (2025)
June 5, 12, 19, (2025)
August 21, 28 (2025)
September 4, 11, 18 (2025)

If you wish to participate, all you have to do is send us a registration form, purchase one or several packs of 4 lessons, then book each lesson via e-mail, within Monday preceding each desired lesson.

Price of each pack of 4 lessons is CHF 360.-, to be fully used during season of purchase. No refund is possible.

Please, contact us for details !
